SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)
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Join the AI & Robotics team at Orebro University:

There are three post-doc positions available on the topics of :

- Neurosymbolic AI (with prof. Luc De Raedt)
- Learning and Perception for Autonomous Systems (with Dr. Stephanie Lowry)
- Machine Learning and Computer Vision (with Dr. Stephanie Lowry)

The researchers will be part of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), which is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever. WASP provides a platform for academic research and education, fostering interaction with Sweden’s leading technology companies.   They will be affiliated with the research Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS,, which carries out multi-disciplinary research at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer science, and measurement technology. 

For more information, please contact Prof. Luc De Raedt ([log in to unmask]) or Dr. Stephanie Lowry ([log in to unmask]), who will supervise the post-docs, or Prof. Lars Karlsson head of AASS at Orebro University ([log in to unmask]).

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Stephanie Lowry
[log in to unmask]
Orebro University

Ansprechpartner: Stephanie Lowry, [log in to unmask]


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