>> > And is e-TeX or Omega having in plans to implement this?
>> > Why other TeX implementation did not implemented this? It seems to
>> > be not too hard. :-(

>> Do it! Contribute a change file to web2c! Omega does not need this---it
>> uses a completely different approach: it use so-called Omega Translation
>> Processes (OTPs) which are final automata to translate input encodings,
>> apply correct casification etc.

A change file for web2c will not help for e-TeX; the latter is implemented
as a changefile to TeX.web for reasons of portability, so an additional
(codepage) changefile for web2c would only add codepage functionality
to e-TeX implementations which use web2c as their basis.

We discussed code pages at great length during an e-TeX meeting in Germany,
and I have to say we failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion: if we are
going to implement code pages, we would like to do so properly (which is
not to say that Eberhard's aren't useful; we simply feel they don't go
far enough), and despite several hours of debate we were unable to agree
exactly what "properly" means in this context...

** Phil.