>>>>> "SR" == Sebastian Rahtz <[log in to unmask]> writes:

SR> Michael John Downes writes:
>> And with what editing interface for authors?

SR> Well, zillions of people/authors do very nicely thanks with tools like
SR> HotMetal, Author/Editor, Framemaker, Word

They do it, but not nicely. I have to work with these programs,
they're real crap. A good editor allows actions on the structure of
the edited document (e.g., deleting/moving/transposing words,
word-parts, sentences, parenthised remarks, paragraphs, SGML elements,
etc.) The document manipulation capabilities of these so-called tools
are primitive by all means.


[Favorite quote concerning this subject:]

    software industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard
    goods is legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems.

Joachim Schrod                                  Email: [log in to unmask]
Net & Publication Consultance GmbH              Tel.:  +49-6074-861530
Roedermark, Germany                             Fax:   +49-6074-861531