>>>>> On Mon, 6 Oct 1997 09:59:18 +0100,
>>>>>    Sebastian Rahtz <[log in to unmask]> write about "Re: LaTeX journal and publisher macros":
SR> Hans Aberg writes:
  >   So it appears that what is needed is a document hierarchy:
  >   \documentclass{journal}       % Start of journal class
  >   \begin{document}
  >     \documentclass{article}     % Start of article 1 class
  >     \begin{document}
  >       %% Article 1 stuff
  >     \end{document}              % End of article 1 class

SR> i agree that its an interesting subject...

all users working as editor agree and wish (since... a long time)
to be able to include articles in a report (or journal), reports
in a book, ... without any modification. It looks like the Multi Master
Fonts... we need a mechanism for our personnal cooking. So, may be,
the document hierarchy should not exactly be seen as suggested but
preferably like this:

\usepackage[WithToc,WithoutIndex,% some global options of interest

     \documentclass{article}     % Start of article 1 class
       %% Article 1 stuff
     \end{document}              % End of article 1 class

This scheme suggests that there is not a lot of stuff to include in
the LaTeX kernel and that, probably, the most important part of
the job could be done inside a [standard] package.
