I suggest readers of this group to have a look at the MathML protocol

* The MathML group will contact the Unicode group for mathematical
character improvements. This seems to relate to the attempts of pinning
down mathematical characters in this group.

* The MathML graphical features certainly relates to similar discussions in
this group. (For example, I suggested they bring up the question of
commutative diagrams, perhaps making 3D commutative diagrams.)

* There is a LaTeX->MathML converter effort.

* Some MathML features seems to relate to a topic discussed here, namely
how to write mathematical formulas with more semantic information (eg.
writing \connection, a name for the mathematical object, instead of \nabla,
a name for the graphical rendering of a mathematical object).

  If those interested have a look at it, there may come up some other aspects.

  Hans Aberg
                  * AMS member: Listing <http://www.ams.org/cml/>
                  * Email: Hans Aberg <[log in to unmask]>