Dear fellow LaTeX friends,

From a little guy, von einem Duemmerchen, I want to report
how useful LaTex has been to our small organization.

We have used TeX and LaTeX for many years and we have
contributed modest dollars, within our means, to
LaTeX's future development. We love LaTeX. And we hope that
the new "3" development won't cause us us to rearrange our
lives significantly.

As rank amateurs in this typesetting business, we look
forward to a "3" that will enable _easy_ font selection
and an _easy_ transition from "2e," the transition to which
was a model others should imitate. We also hope that "3"
will provide the same typesetting discipline in the original
Lamport/LaTeX package.

At the same time, we admire and applaud all of the volunteer
efforts, here and abroad, and we hope that whatever the "3"
developers do will address the needs of the small organizations
such as ours. We wish all of you the best in your work.

Michael O'Connor                        Voice       518/584-7300
Southern Adirondack Library System      FAX         518/587-5589
22 Whitney Place                        Internet    [log in to unmask]
Saratoga Springs NY 12866-4596          DRANet      sallib::moc