At 17:00 -0400 98/06/20, Michael O'Connor wrote:
>We have used TeX and LaTeX for many years and we have
>contributed modest dollars, within our means, to
>LaTeX's future development. We love LaTeX. And we hope that
>the new "3" development won't cause us us to rearrange our
>lives significantly.

  Of course, I hope that LaTeX3 will cause you to rearrange your lives
rather significantly but in a positive and constructive way, by choice
depending on your individual needs.

>At the same time, we admire and applaud all of the volunteer
>efforts, here and abroad, and we hope that whatever the "3"
>developers do will address the needs of the small organizations
>such as ours.

  Why not giving some inputs on this list, specifying what those needs and
wishes are?

  Hans Aberg
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