>  > What does `high-level system' mean here?
> by which i mean, why doesnt the Fortran program have a -font switch?
> why all the hand work?

That's no problem, the problem is changing it later, which one can
do with PSFRAG.  Of course, it could be regenerated, but that's what I
want to avoid, especially if it means reading in a lot of data etc.
Also, perhaps someone else, who doesn't have the data, needs to use it.

Phillip Helbig                          Email ......... [log in to unmask]
Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories   Tel. .... +44 1477 571 321 (ext. 297)
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UK-Cheshire SK11 9DL                    Web ... http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~pjh/