> So you cannot put these specs into the document itself

you can explicitly link a stylesheet to a document.

> How will they typicaly look like?

Like XSL (if that is what you are using)

> Is there anything corresponding to macro parameters?
you can grab arbitrary branches of the dree from the currentg node
and re-arange them.

> What is the DOM?
Sorry been spending too long in w3c lists. The Document Object Model.
Basically an API that gives low level access to the parse tree of a
document. (And has interfaces from C java python etc)

> But what will "these" be?
most likely the same as dsssl I would guess (uninformed guess in this

>  Will they be extensible (not so much the
> maths ones, I am more worried about the pargaraph ones)?

No. But you can define new ones (out of the system) ie in some external
