Concernant « Re: Standard journal macros », Sebastian Rahtz écrit : «
» Timothy Murphy writes:
»  > I assumed that these "standard journal macros" were aimed mainly
»  > at mathematical (or at least scientific) journals?
» why this perpetual aim of getting LaTeX tied into a tiny tiny corner
» of the world? is that all its good for?

Because it's sooo much simpler to look only to the corner for which no
other solution than yours are needed? Isn't that anyway exactly the
kind of science maths are?

I know of many areas of maths (including didactics -- they have a
Math. Class. number) where tex is not used. Moreover, most papers we
get here from senior mathematicians are in some fashion of plain. In
fact, the only area where latex is really growing is high school text books!
Thierry Bouche, Grenoble.