On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Johannes L. Braams wrote:

>         I am releived to finally be able to tell you that I have
>         finalized Babel release 3.7.

>         - Support for typesetting Hebrew (and potential support for
>           typesetting other rigth-to-left written languages) is now
>           available thanks to Rama Porrat and Boris Lavva.

A few quick fixes:

1.  There is a bug in rlbabel.def that causes  problems when using
    underline in equations inside hebrew sections (note it was  OK in $$
    but not inside \[ \]).
   Fix: In Hebrew.dtx (line ~1847)
   change from
\def\underline#1{\@@@underline{\if@rl\R{#1}\else #1\fi}}
\def\underline#1{\@@@underline{\ifmmode#1\else\if@rl\R{#1}\else #1\fi\fi}}

2.  Defining the letter name "sin" conflicts with \TeX's math  mode sine.
   Fix: in hebrew.fdd (line ~283) change

3. Add a note to the docomuntation regarding the use of the oldjaf10.mf

% \item \textbf{oldjaf10.mf}
%    This font, used for |\emph| was not identifies as slanted. As a
%    result, a nested |\emph| had no effect (\LaTeX checks if the current
%    font is slanted or not, and toggles normal and slanted font)
%    A \emph{font\_slant} parameter should be added to \emph{oldjaf10.mf},
%    it should look like:
%    \begin{verbatim}
%      font_quad             1em#;
%      font_slant            0.001pt#; %%#TK added to identify as slanted
%      font_normal_space     3.30033pt#;
%      font_normal_stretch   0.15em#;
%      font_normal_shrink    0.1em#;
%      font_x_height         3.30033pt#;
%    \end{verbatim}
%  The slant value is very small to ensure no influence on appearance.

These are the fixes that has to do with Babel & Hebrew alone.
I've found them about a year ago, when I prepared a distribution for
the faculty (you can find it in http://www.ee.technion.ac.il/~tomer/TeX/).
As far as I remember I emailed them to Boris at the time.

There are many other patches/fixes that are needed if you want to use the
Hebrew support AND hyperref, but I haven't updated it in the
last half year or so, so it may not work with current versions of hyperref.
I'll update it "sometime", when I have the time.


Tomer Kol                               Email: [log in to unmask]
Electrical Engineering Dept.                   [log in to unmask]
Technion - Israel Inst. of Technology          [log in to unmask]
Haifa 32000, ISRAEL