Minutes of the joint OTIS/Beetle meeting,
21.02.2002, 14:00 ASIC Lab, Heidelberg:

Sven Loechner, Uwe Stange, Jan Knopf, Harald Deppe


The new Current-Buffer from Nikhef is simulated and
integrated in the layout of Beetle1.2.
Also the layout for the new SCL,SDA -Pads is finished.

New results from a "small" FrontEnd-Meeting at CERN
are expected next week.


Mesurements of D-Buffer are finished:
Timing is well in Specs as expected
from a common simulation MEM + D-Buffer made
by Andre.

The Silicon-Ensem. script for control-logic is
finished including Clk-tree generation. The netlist
generated by SE has now to be simulated.

A Test-Pattern programm was written by Jan Knopf
so the control-logic could be tested with these

Simulation of Hit-Register driver:
Chan. to Chan. variation are in range of max. 20ps-25ps


    Harald Deppe
    University of Heidelberg
    Kirchhoff-Institut for Physics
    ASIC Laboratory
    Schroederstr. 90
    69120 Heidelberg

    Off.: +49 6221 54-4957
    Lab.: +49 6221 54-4355
    Fax : +49 6221 54-4345

    E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
