David Kastrup writes:
> I am currently taking a look at the stuff in order to incorporate it.
> Of course, while you are perfectly obedient to the wording of the
> licence by renaming everything to xor-bp and the like, it would have
> been probably somewhat easier if you chose the same filenames just for
> the patch (though obviously not for other circulation).
i think we should allow *same* file name with
\ProvidePackage{xor <some extra text>}[...]
for that purpose.
that would give a warning but run through otherwise and it helps to identify
such a file if it escapes for some reason
> I trust that
> posting patches here does not count as distribution prohibited
> according to the terms of the licence
yes, this list is neither general distribution nor a CD nor really an archive
(the way it was meant) even though the postings are archived as far as i know.
> but if it does, I certainly
> will get corrected within few days at most, and little harm will be
> done.
you will get corrected? eh? interesting concept :-)