> Nice idea, but what about journals that print initials withouth dots?
> In the IOP physics journal, they print author names like "T T C Jones",
> so if you say \author{surname=Jones, inits=T.T.C.}, your're already
> encoding some part of the presentation, not just the information.
sigh. troublemaker. "inits=t t c", and journal B can cycle over the
elements adding dots?
> * What about papers representing a team effort? In the proceedings
> issues of plasma physics journals you often find something like
> <author list> and the ITER Joint Central Team and Home Teams
\author{type=collab, name=The ITER Team}
\collab{name=The ITER Team}
> ITER Joint Central Team, presented by A. U. Thor
um. tricky one. our DTD has a tag for this. i am tempted to
\author{type=presenter,surname=Thor,forename=A U}
> A. U. Thor and ITER Joint Central Team
> to put the presenting author first regardless of the ordering
> in the original paper.
ah, now ordering of authors is hard... i am assuming natural order, if
in doubt. we didnt promise to generate a BibTeX heade from the frontmatter
> \address{id=lab1,address=Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany}
> \address{id=lab2,address=Ecole Royale Militaire, Belgium}
> \address{id=lab3,address=FOM Institut voor Plasmafysica, Netherlands}
> the official policy may ask for a footnote such as
> \note{id={lab1,lab2,lab3},
> text={partners in the Trilaterial Euregio Cluster}}
well, you solved it yourself. there comes a point where you have to
giev up and use a \note, perhaps.
> (This is indeed a real life example, not something that I've made up.)
oh, i believe you. i bet the wretches publish with Elsevier....
another one i am not happy about is shared departments:
A U THor
Dept Chemistry
B L User
Dept Physics
University of Noddyland
i really dont see a clean markup for this