Tue, 29 Mar 2005 21:35:16 +0200
At 13:30 26.03.05, you [David Kastrup] wrote:
>Donald Arseneau <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> > The problem with \penalty\outputpenalty is that \outputpenalty=10000
> > and prevents the same page break instead of forcing the same break.
>Well, when rebreaking, I find that using \pagediscards seems like the
>best thing to do. Then you get the same vertical list again, unless
>\outputpenalty is less than 10000, in which case you need to reinsert
>it in front of the discards (it will be replaced with \nobreak in the
>\pagediscards in this case).
And where is \pagediscards available? (Not by a Google search on CTAN.)
> > I would use a unique force-break penalty.
>Always a good idea. You just have to place it in a manner that makes
>sure it does not get discarded.
And what about
\ifnum\outputpenalty=\@M \else
from Stephan Boettcher's lineno.sty? It is the only package
I know that has done such a thing with \holdinginserts, yet
not for dealing with floats. This may change with a release
that I'm preparing.
-- Uwe Lueck.