Fri, 16 Aug 2002 19:32:32 +0200
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Donald Arseneau writes:
> Julius Smith <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> > In any case, I believe my original suggestion remains a needed
> > improvement. To summarize that, after "input line 21", LaTeX should have
> > printed "in file matlab1.tex".
> Yes, it should. The best way to handle this request is to post
> a bug report by "latex latexbug" and following instructions.
> LaTeX doesn't keep track of the input file name, but it would
> be helpful for this and several other purposes to do so.
it would indeed be helpful and as Michael pointed out in proto-type code we
actually implemented such stuff. However the problem with 2e is that
officially it supports the plain TeX syntax for input, ie
\input foo
and that is simply not something you can easily reimplement and automatically
capture the current input file from (on all platforms) in contrast to, say
which would do this for free.
For that reason we refrained from putting something like that into 2e in 1994.
It would however not be that difficult to built a package that provides, say,
\currentfilename containing the current file name in all cases except plain
\input and then additionally redefine \begin and \end to output it in case of
Any takers? Donald? afternoon excerise?