Am 20.08.2014 um 19:42 schrieb Javier Bezos:
> I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but in babel 3.9
> \bbl@languages stores a snapshot of the loaded languages in the
> form \bbl@elt{<language-name>}{<number>} {<patterns-file>}
> {<exceptions-file>}.
That looks like a good start! Though, I can't find the string @elt in
the output of
but instead see some @hk@'s and @ev@'s
> \bbl@hk@english {\bbl@ev@english@write }{0}{hyphen.tex}{}\bbl@hk@usenglish {\bb
> l@ev@usenglish@write }{0}{}{}\bbl@hk@USenglish {\bbl@ev@USenglish@write }{0}{}{
> }\bbl@hk@american {\bbl@ev@american@write }{0}{}{}\bbl@hk@dumylang {\bbl@ev@dum
> ylang@write }{1}{dumyhyph.tex}{}\bbl@hk@nohyphenation {\bbl@ev@nohyphenation@wr
> ite }{2}{zerohyph.tex}{}\bbl@hk@german-x-2014-05-21 {\bbl@ev@german-x-2014-05-2
> [...]
I'll play with that. Thanks!
Best regards,
Stephan Hennig