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Vladimir Volovich <[log in to unmask]>
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Mailing list for the LaTeX3 project <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 22:04:41 +0400
text/plain (151 lines)

I've got some problem with inputenc package.
Consider the following LaTeX document:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------


% We use one of the following packages to translate koi8 -> LCY.



\section{ ... } % Here the section name consists of russian letters
                %    (with codes > 0x80).

....            % The body of the article is also in koi-8 encoding

\section{ ... } % Here we also have russian section name.


------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

The document is written whole in Russian, the russian text is in koi-8 encoding.
We use two ways to translate the input encoding (koi8-r) into TeX's internal encoding
(LCY): the first one uses inputenc package (which seems to be preferrable),
and the second one also uses some hacks with active characters (see below).
The file koi8.def, used for inputenc, has the following structure:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\ProvidesFile{koi8.def}[1996/10/12 koi8-r to cp-866 translation]



------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

The file koi2alt.sty has the following structure:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\ProvidesPackage{koi2alt}[1996/10/06 koi8-r to cp-866 translation]

\catcode`^^F7\active\let ^^F7=^^82
\catcode`^^F0\active\let ^^F7=^^8F


------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

Now about the problem. When I use the first approach (i.e. inputenc package),
the first pass goes Ok, but I get an error on the second pass of the document
due to undefined control sequence (\IeC).

AUX file after the first pass:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}\IeC {^^8f}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^e7}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^ec}}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}\IeC {^^8f}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^aa}\IeC {^^e6}\IeC {^^a8}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^ad}\IeC {^^e3}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a8} \IeC {^^af}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^ae}\IeC {^^a9} \IeC {^^e7}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^a8}}{1}}
------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

TOC file after the first pass:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\select@language {russian}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}\IeC {^^8f}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^e7}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^ec}}{1}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}\IeC {^^8f}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^aa}\IeC {^^e6}\IeC {^^a8}\IeC {^^ef} \IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^ad}\IeC {^^e3}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a8} \IeC {^^af}\IeC {^^a5}\IeC {^^e0}\IeC {^^a2}\IeC {^^ae}\IeC {^^a9} \IeC {^^e7}\IeC {^^a0}\IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^a8}}{1}
------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

Transcript file of the second pass:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
This is TeX, Version 3.1415N (C version 6.1)
LaTeX2e <1996/12/01> patch level 1
Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for russian, english, loaded.
Document Class: article 1996/10/31 v1.3u Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/latex/inputenc.sty beta test version (koi8.def))
(istina.aux (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/babel/LCYcmr.fd)) (istina.toc
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ^^8f

l.2 ...{^^a0}\IeC {^^e1}\IeC {^^e2}\IeC {^^ec}}{1}

? No pages of output.
Transcript written on istina.log.
------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

[ Bug report finished ]
However, if I use the second approach (with koi2alt.sty), the results are correct.
There are no errors detected, and I get correct table of contents.

AUX file after the first pass:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}^^f0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^c1^^d1 ^^de^^c1^^d3^^d4^^d8}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}^^f0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^c1^^d1 ^^d3^^c5^^cb^^c3^^c9^^d1 ^^d7^^ce^^d5^^d4^^d2^^c9 ^^d0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^cf^^ca ^^de^^c1^^d3^^d4^^c9}{1}}
------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

TOC file after the first pass:

------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------
\select@language {russian}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}^^f0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^c1^^d1 ^^de^^c1^^d3^^d4^^d8}{1}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}^^f0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^c1^^d1 ^^d3^^c5^^cb^^c3^^c9^^d1 ^^d7^^ce^^d5^^d4^^d2^^c9 ^^d0^^c5^^d2^^d7^^cf^^ca ^^de^^c1^^d3^^d4^^c9}{1}
------- x8 ------- x8 ------- x8 -------

Note also, that AUX and TOC files in the second approach look better (more readable),
than in the first approach. I mean, that there are no `foreign' macroses appear in these files.
And if I use emTeX with apropriate options, then I will have also *readable* russian characters
(instead of `escape sequences' like ^^f0).

There will be NO errors in the first approach (with inputenc package), if I will not use
\tableofcontents. So, there is probably an bug in TOC file handling (no definition
of \IeC macro is given). Also, is it possible to change inputenc similar to
the second approach (in order to have more readable LOG files)?

With best regards,