Chris writes (quoting Soren Sandmann Pedersen):
> > I think many of these users could be conviced if there were a large
> > set of example classes to follow LaTeX3.
> Yes, we should like there to be a lot more good classes too: so you
> (all of you) write some! Please.
So often one gets asked "please will you convert this code to run
under 2e". I find the result of doing this is almost always
I've just recently done a new class (for a new layout for a journal
that used to be exclusively prepared in a wysiAwyg fashion) from
scratch, and am quite pleased with the result. The same client is
asking for more...
The trouble with these things is, that unless you're very careful
and/or start with a view to having the thing publishable, the end
result is unlikely to be terribly enlightening. There aren't enough
people out there willing to pay for these things, and there are
limited amounts of time for people to do them for free (most of us
have other things to do with our lives, however dedicated we are to
everything Knuthian ;-)