Hello Will,
when I load unicode-math after amsmath, the amsmath option intlimits
has no effect any more. The options sumlimits and namelimits still
work as expected.
\[ \int_{0}^{1} \]
\[ \sum_{i=0}^{1} \]
\[ \lim_{x\to\infty} \]
Even worse, when I reverse the order (loading unicode-math first), the
operator \lim is printed in italics. This is so strange that I can't
believe it. Can anybody confirm this behavior?
I tested with both, lualatex and xelatex and TeX Live 2012, 2013,..,2019.
Same result, as expected.
The above is a minimal example. When unicode-math is loaded first I
only get a warning "Package amsmath Warning: Unable to redefine math
accent \mathring.". But when I use other fonts like TeX Gyre Pagella
with fontspec and texgyrepagella-math.otf with unicode-math, I get
zillions of error messages about already defined control sequences.
Thus I suppose that amsmath has to be loaded before unicode-math
unconditionally. If this assumption is true it would be better if
amsmath aborts with a meaningful error message if it detects an
already loaded unicode-math.
I'm aware that not all dependency issues can be resolved this way.
ATM there are 180,000 files in TeX Live, three times more than ten
years ago and the number is steadily growing. But if only the LaTeX
core packages complain when loaded in an inappropriate order, that
would be a great advantage.
I'll meet Frank next week at the BachoTeX conference in Poland.
Will, did you ever consider to attend this amazing conferece? Though
it's [officially] the conference of the Polish TeX User Group, it's
quite international. In the past it was attended by people from
innumerable European countries, Japan, America, and Australia. The
conference site (in a nature sanctuary) is an ideal place where
families with [little] children can relax. BachoTeX even offers
workshops which little kids can attend.
If you didn't register already, I really hope to meet you there next
Reinhard Kotucha Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover mailto:[log in to unmask]