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Timothy Murphy <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 18:24:36 +0100
text/plain (31 lines)
May a voice from the back of the hall
ask why LaTeX doesn't adopt the Gnu GPL?
Then we could call it Gnu-LaTeX or perhaps GLaTeX.
And TUG could become GLUG, the Gnu-LaTeX users group.

I may say I have never read the GPL or the LPPL,
and would regard it as a fairly serious punishment
to have to do so.
(A Russian friend of mine who was incarcerated in China
during the Cultural Revolution
was not allowed to read anything except the works of Mao
for two years.
Perhaps the new rulers of China would restrict his reading
to software licences.)

Wittgenstein was asked what he liked to eat
and he replied that he did not really mind
as long as it was always the same;
and I would feel much the same about licences.

Apologies for injecting an improper air of levity
into what is undoubtedly a serious matter.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
tel: 086-233 6090
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland